(A)   Streets (and alleys where provided) shall be completed to grades shown on plans, profiles, and cross-sections provided by the subdivider, prepared by a registered professional engineer, and approved by the Plan Commission.
   (B)   The streets shall be graded, surfaced, and improved to the dimensions required by such plans, profiles, and cross-sections, and the work shall be performed in the manner prescribed in "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and Maintenance -1957" of the State Department of Highways of Indiana.  References in the following divisions refer to the State Department of Highways Standard Specifications:
      (1)   In a subdivision proposed to contain an average of more than two lots per gross acre, or in a subdivision proposed to have a street or streets which are extensions of existing paved streets which are surfaced to a width of at least 26(32), the street shall be surfaced to a minimum width of 26(32) feet from back of curb to back of curb.  Alleys shall be surfaced to their full width.
   (C)   The street surface shall be of portland cement concrete or a flexible pavement and shall be constructed in accordance with design characteristics at least equal to those given below:
Kind of Pavement and Thickness   Arterial   Residential
Balanced design thickness*   specifi-   7-1/2 - 5 - 7-1/2
   cations   inches
Uniform design thickness      5 inches
FLEXIBLE**   As per
Hot asphaltic concrete surface   specifi-   l inch
Hot asphaltic concrete binder/base      2 inches
Compacted aggregate base      6 inches
Total thickness      9 inches
*Intersections to be of uniform design using edge thickness.
**For intersections and parking strips on residential streets, use feeder street design characteristics.
   (D)   Prior to placing the street surfaces, adequate subsurface drainage for the street shall be provided by the subdivider. Subsurface drainage pipe, when required, shall be coated, corrugated pipe or a similar type not less than 12 inches in diameter approved by the Plan Commission.  Upon the completion of the street improvements, plans and profiles as built shall be filed with the Commission.
(Ord. 2285, passed 4-16-79)  Penalty, see § 151.99