(A)   Before any permit required by this subchapter shall be granted, it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the Mayor that the means to be adopted, and the facilities to be employed by the person desiring the permit, are adequate to effect the removal speedily and without any unnecessary interference with public convenience; and that the same is in nowise liable to injure or damage any street, sidewalk, alley, sewer, or other public property.
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer, before issuing a permit, shall require the person applying therefor to execute to the city a bond, with good and sufficient sureties, to the approval of the Common Council, conditioned that the person will promptly and within the time specified, and in the manner specified in the permit, remove the building.  The bond shall further be conditioned that the person will exercise the utmost diligence not to injure or damage any street, sidewalk, alley, sewer, or other public property, and in case of any such injury or damage, will promptly pay to the city any damage or loss occasioned by the moving of the building or caused by his agents or employees engaged thereat.
('80 Code, § 6-64)