(A)   The provisions of this code require nothing less than the minimum standard for all construction work and all equipment installation.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation, personally or through any agent, servant or other party acting on his, her, their or its behalf, to install, construct, alter, repair or work upon any erection, construction, enlargement or alteration; to install or repair electrical equipment; sheet metal work, siding, roofing or other work covered by this code, or any part thereof, for hire or by contract, without having applied for and obtained a license currently in force, covering the trade and type of work to be performed as herein provided.
   (C)   No contract work is to be done in the city without a current license.
('80 Code, § 6-32)  (Ord. 2064, passed 8-12-74; Am. Ord. 2864, passed 5-18-92; Am. Ord. 3477, passed 8-7-06)  Penalty, see § 150.99