(A)   The Building Commissioner shall issue a permit required by this subchapter within 24 hours after application therefor for each excavation or drilling made in the paved or surfaced portion of any street or alley, and such permit shall be issued only after the applicant shall have on file in the office of the Commissioner an individual performance bond or a permanent undertaking payable to the city, which, in no event, shall be less than an amount computed as follows, to wit:  In an amount on an excavation no greater than three inches deep, $.75 per square foot of excavation.
   (B)   Such bond shall be to the effect that the applicant shall abide by all provisions of sections of this subchapter and that the refill of all excavations and drill holes shall be done as prescribed in this subchapter and shall guarantee that such refill will need no further work thereupon for a period of three years.
('80 Code, § 22-34) (Ord. 952, passed 3-4-68)