(A)   A memorial area within the mausoleum shall be designed for the purpose of mounting plaques in memory of deceased individuals not buried in the South Mound Cemetery or the West Lawn Addition thereof.
   (B)   Each plaque will be uniform in size, 14 inches by 4 inches. Each plaque will be fashioned out of bronze and bear the same type of lettering, and contain the name of the decedent, below which will appear the date of birth and date of death and branch of military service.  No other information will be permitted on the plaque.
   (C)   The cost of the plaque and the cost of its installation and mounting shall be the responsibility of the user.  Management must approve the method and manner of installation.
   (D)   Management shall be authorized to design the memorial area, numbering each plaque space so that it can be identified and located. A plaque space may be purchased from management for the sum of $25. There shall be no limit on the number of plaque spaces an individual may purchase.  However, resale for an amount greater than the original purchase price shall be prohibited.  Violation of this provision shall result in the immediate confiscation of the plaque space.
   (E)   Management reserves the right to temporarily remove plaques at no cost to the user for the purpose of making repairs or improvements to the mausoleum.  Further, management reserves the right to relocate a plaque in the event repairs, renovation, or improvements require the structure of the mausoleum to be altered.
   (F)   Upon the purchase of a plaque space by a user, management will issue a bill of sale to the user and retain a copy of same for its file.  Further, the name of the purchaser shall be placed on the design chart so that the plaque space may be clearly identified as the property of the purchaser.
   (G)   A non-reverting fund is hereby established, and shall be called The New Castle Mausoleum Fund.  This account shall be funded with the proceeds from the sale of plaque spaces, memorials specifically designated to that fund, and charitable donations directed to that fund.  The sole purpose for this fund shall be for the maintenance, restoration, and improvement of the mausoleum or additions thereto.
(Ord. 2645, passed 11-3-86)