(A)   The annual salaries of the Mayor, the Clerk-Treasurer, the City Judge, and each member of the Common Council, effective at the commencement of the terms of the officers next succeeding the general election and payable from the general fund of the city, shall be in the amounts set by the Common Council prior to April 1 of the year of the election.  (‘80 Code, § 2-29)
   (B)   In addition to the salaries otherwise provided for the Mayor, Director of Public Works, City Attorney, and Clerk-Treasurer, these officials shall be entitled to annual salaries each for services performed in the operation of the New Castle Water and Sewage Disposal Plant on behalf of the Board of Public Works and Safety, to be paid from the treasury of the New Castle Water and Sewage Disposal Plant, in amounts as set by the Common Council.  (‘80 Code, § 2-30) (Am. Ord. 2649, passed 12-15-86)
(Ord. 2693, passed 12-22-87; Am. Ord. 2731, passed 12-27-88; Am. Ord. 3014, passed - -94; Am. Ord. 3704, passed 10-20-14; Am. Ord. 3706, passed 10-20-14; Am. Ord. 3728, passed 10-19-15; Am. Ord. 3752, passed 10-17-16; Am. Ord. 3777, passed 10-16-17; Am. Ord. 3794, passed 10-15-18; Am. Ord. 3795, passed 10-15-18; Am. Ord. 3796, passed 10-15-17; Am. Ord. 3802, passed 1-21-19; Am. Ord. 3813, passed 10-21-19; Am. Ord. 3815, passed 10-21-19)
Statutory reference:
   Fixing compensation of elective city officers, see IC 36-4-7-2