(A)   Whenever any person who has been duly notified to appear at the police station for a violation of any of the provisions provided in § 70.20 shall fail or refuse to appear as directed within 72 hours after service of such notice, or having appeared, shall fail or refuse to pay the fee provided for his offense, then it is hereby made the duty of the officer or authorized person serving such traffic violation notice to file, or cause to be filed, in the city court, or other court of competent jurisdiction, an affidavit charging that person with the violation specified in the notice and ordering that person to appear in city court, or other court of competent jurisdiction, at a certain day and hour to answer to the charge and stand trial for the same.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the officer or other authorized person serving such notice, to be present and assist in the prosecution of the charge, and in all cases wherein it is necessary to take the offender into court on affidavit the penalty provisions of § 70.99 shall apply.
('80 Code, § 16-4)