(A)   Upon the payment of any of the fees required by § 70.22, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a receipt to the owner or operator of the vehicle so paying, which receipt shall be serially numbered. It is hereby made the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to keep a correct record, in a permanent bound book for that purpose only, showing the amount of such fees so paid, the date thereof, the number of the state license and the name of the owner, and whether it was a first, second, or subsequent violation by that owner or operator.
   (B)   It is made the further duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to account for all such fees paid to him under the provisions of this title and to pay them into the city treasury once each month.  It is also made the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to furnish a report to the Common Council at its second meeting in each month, showing the total amount of fees collected during the preceding month by him, which report shall also show the number of first, second, and subsequent violations and also the number of cancellations of traffic violation notices with stated reasons therefor, and the name of the responsible person or official authorizing the cancellation.
('80 Code, § 16-3)