The Traffic Safety Commission shall be specifically responsible for but not limited to the following:
   (A)   Developing and implementing coordinated traffic safety programs which meet local needs.
   (B)   Acting in an advisory capacity to the City Council in the coordination of traffic safety activities of the official agencies and departments of the city.
   (C)   Establishing safety priorities for the city.
   (D)   Reviewing and approving project applications for funding.
   (E)   Serving in a liaison capacity between the city and the State Department of Traffic Safety in developing the state highway safety program and in meeting the national highway safety program standards.
   (F)   Promoting public acceptance of official programs proposed or instigated by the city.
   (G)   Fostering public knowledge and support of traffic law enforcement and traffic engineering problems.
   (H)   Cooperating with city schools in promoting educational traffic safety aids.
   (I)   Educating the public in traffic safety.
   (J)   Generally aiding the overall reduction of traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths on the city streets.
('80 Code, § 16-6) (Res., passed 8-2-76)