The following fee schedule is set as the initial rental fee for use of the armory:
   (A)   $100.00 monthly rental per office for basement and second floor office space;
   (B)   $200.00 monthly rental per office for main floor office space;
   (C)   $200.00 per day rental for banquet parties (renter does set up and break down);
   (D)   $250.00 per day rental for banquet parties (armory does set up and break down);
   (E)   $500.00 per day rental for shows and booth events; and
   (F)   Charitable and not-for-profit organizations may rent the facility free of charge provided these organizations do not interfere with existing rentals, provide a damage deposit in an amount to be determined by the Board of Public Works and Safety based upon the nature of the use, and provide the Board of Works with proof of their not-for-profit or charitable status. This would include 501(C)(3) organizations, organizations chartered as not-for-profit corporations in the state of Indiana,  or local churches.
(Ord. 3743, passed 2-16-16)