(A)   The Drug and Alcohol Policy is hereby adopted by reference and it shall be enforced by the Board of Public Works and Clerk-Treasurer and applied to all city employees as set forth therein. Said policy is attached to Ordinance 3308, incorporated herein, and made a part hereof.
   (B)   The City Director of Personnel shall be responsible for the distribution of a copy of this policy to each city employee. Said employee shall sign a receipt acknowledging that he or she has received a copy of same. Further a copy of this policy shall be posted in every department of the city, shall be distributed to every department supervisor, and a copy shall be delivered to a representative of each union representing city employees. The Clerk-Treasurer shall distribute a copy to each of his or her employees, shall have each employee sign a receipt acknowledging that he or she has received a copy of same, shall post a copy in his or her office. Further copies of this policy shall be made available to members of the general public pursuant to the Indiana Public Record Laws.
(Ord. 3308, passed 2-18-02; Am. Res. passed 10-7-02)