The civil city and its utilities are hereby authorized to charge property owners for the fees and costs incurred by the city in filing and releasing liens against real estate due to unpaid obligations due and owing the city by said property owner.  This fee reimbursement shall be equal to the cost incurred by the city in filing and releasing the lien and shall be charged so that the city or its utility shall not bear the cost of such lien or lien release but rather that such charge be passed through to the property owner.  The civil city and the utility shall prepare a schedule of all lien filing costs and fees and release costs and fees.  This schedule shall be approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety at a regular public meeting of said Board and be available for public inspection.  The Board of Public Works and Safety shall review the schedule annually to make certain that it is kept current so that the taxpayers of the city do not suffer a loss.  In the event the cost for the filing of liens or releasing of liens is reduced, the Board shall reduce its schedule accordingly.
(Ord. 3672, passed 3-18-13)