§ 34.231 USES.
   (A)   All grant monies together with any matching funds and local shares shall be deposited to and maintained in the Airport Projects Fund.
   (B)   Only such project expenditures allowed by the terms of such grant(s) may be made from said fund.
   (C)   The Auditor of Henry County is authorized to make expenditures from the fund upon the direction of the Board of Aviation Commissioners.
   (D)   Interest earned on monies in this fund shall be separately accounted for, and credited to and become a part of the fund.
   (E)   Any year end balance in this fund shall not revert to the county general fund or to the general fund of the city, but shall carry over and remain part of the fund.
   (F)   This fund shall continue in existence until terminated by substantially similar ordinance of Henry County and the city.  Upon such termination any remaining fund balance shall be returned or refunded subject to the terms of the grant.
(Ord. 3373, passed 11-17-03)