(A)   The repeal of a repealing ordinance does not revive the ordinance originally repealed.
   (B)   When a provision of the code is repealed or amended, the repeal or amendment does not affect pending actions, prosecutions or proceedings, civil or criminal.  When the repeal or amendment relates to the remedy, it does not affect pending actions, prosecutions, or proceedings, unless so expressed, nor does any repeal or amendment affect causes of the action, prosecution, or proceeding, existing at the time of the amendment or repeal, unless otherwise expressly provided in the amending or repealing law.
   (C)   When a provision of the code is repealed, the repeal does not:
      (1)   Affect any rights or liabilities which exist, have accrued or have been incurred by virtue of the repealed provision;
      (2)   Affect an action or proceeding for the enforcement of any rights or liabilities existing or arising thereunder.
      (3)   Relieve any person from punishment for an act committed in violation of the repealed provision;
      (4)   Affect an indictment or prosecution for a violation of the repealed provision.
   (D)   For the purposes of this section, the repealed provision shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the repeal, provided this does not affect the limitation of actions, prosecutions, or proceedings imposed by any state statute.
('80 Code, §§ 1-3, 1-7, 1-11)