In consideration of the special characteristics of the City's Central Business (CB) District, i.e. lack of building setback, pedestrian orientation, historic character, etc., signage within the CB District is subject to all pertinent provisions for signage within the General Business (GB) District, with the exception of the following provisions:
   (a)   Permanent Ground Signs.
      (1)   Permanent ground signs shall be permitted only upon sites which have sufficient setback to comply with the required ten-foot setback from the right-of-way without blocking or impeding pedestrian accessibility.
      (2)   Only establishments which have an on-site off-street parking facility shall be permitted to have permanent ground signs.
   (b)   Projecting Signs.
      (1)   Projecting signs shall not exceed 24 square feet per face.
      (2)   Projection shall not exceed four feet beyond the building to which the sign is attached.
      (3)   Such signs shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the pavement of the adjacent thoroughfare.
      (4)   Projecting signs shall be positioned a minimum of eight feet and a maximum of 14 feet above the sidewalk.
      (5)   Such signs shall be positioned so as not to block the view of adjacent projecting signs.
      (6)   Such signs shall be proportional and in scale with the subject building, as well as compatible with the design, color, and material of the building they represent, as well as adjacent structures.
      (7)   If illuminated, such projecting signs shall be illuminated from an external source only.
   (c)   Permanent Wall Signs. Permanent wall signs, if internally illuminated, shall be permitted 75% of the overall sign face standard for such signs as provided within the General Business (GB) District provisions.
(Ord. 06-29. Passed 5-1-06.)