The following standards apply to all residential planned unit developments
   (a)   The lot area for each dwelling unit may be reduced by not more than fifty percent from the minimum lot area required by the Residential District which formerly governed the use of the site. If a Residential Planned Unit Development District is proposed on a site not in a Residential District at the time of the initial planned unit development application, the fifty percent reduction shall be taken from the minimum lot area requirements of R-4 One and Two-Family Residential Districts.
   (b)   Front yard setbacks, side yard widths and rear yard depths may be adjusted in accordance with subsection (a) hereof at the discretion of the Planning Board, but the side yard setbacks shall never be less than 7.5 feet per side with a minimum total of at lease 15 feet.
   (c)   Residential dwelling types may be intermixed so long as the maximum gross density established pursuant to subsection (a) hereof is not exceeded. In areas where townhouses are used, there shall be no more than eight townhouse units in any contiguous group.
   (d)   Every lot created in the planned unit development should be designed to abut upon common open space or similar areas. Clustering of dwellings is encouraged.
   (e)   For those lots which abut other zoning districts, the distance between the dwelling and the side or rear lot line, whichever is applicable, shall be increased by one foot for each foot the height of the dwelling exceeds the maximum height for that type of dwelling in the Residential District which previously governed the use of the site.
   (f)   Any residential use permitted by this Zoning Code shall be permitted in a Residential R-PUD Planned Unit Development District, with the exception of mobile homes. Related civic, institutional and recreational uses may be permitted in such District at the discretion of the Planning Board.
(Ord. 82-38 . Passed 9-20-82; Ord. 2022-57. Passed 11-21-22.)