(a) Detail plans for all water main construction must be submitted to the Director of Public Service and must meet with his or her approval and the approval of the Ohio Department of Health before any water main construction is started.
(b) All water mains, fittings, specials, appurtenances, etc. shall be constructed in accordance with this chapter.
(1) No work shall be approved or accepted by the Municipality unless twenty- four hours or one working day's notice of the commencement of work is given to the Director.
(2) When water main construction begins, the contractor must contact the Director before attaching to or extending any existing water main.
(3) The contractor shall schedule with the Municipality the time when the lines shall be shut off.
(4) The shut-off time shall be kept to a minimum.
(5) The Municipality shall operate all valves required for shut-off and turn-on.
(6) The contractor shall dig necessary exploratory test pits to determine the location and exact outside diameter of the existing pipe.
(7) Such pits shall be in advance of pipe laying to ensure against damaging delays in making connections.
(Ord. 21-78. Passed 6-27-78; Ord. 2022-15. Passed 5-16-22.)