   (A)   The boundaries of any historic district may be recorded in the office of the St. Joseph County Recorder.
   (B)   Two copies of the boundaries of any historic district shall be maintained in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and shall be available for public inspection during regular business hours.
(1992 Code, § 2-220) (Ord. 934, § 16, passed 2-25-1997)
   (A)   In an ordinance approving the establishment of a historic district, the town may provide that the establishment occur in 2 phases. Under the first phase, which lasts 3 years from the date the ordinance is adopted, a certificate of appropriateness is required only for the activities described in § 35.07(A)(1), (2), and (4). At the end of the first phase, the district becomes fully established, and subject to division (B) below, a certificate of appropriateness must be issued by the Board before a permit may be issued for or work may begin on an activity described in § 35.07.
   (B) The first phase described in division (A) continues and the second phase does not become effective if a majority of the property owners in the district object to the Board, in writing, to the requirement that certificates of appropriateness be issued for the activities described in § 35.07(A)(3), (B)(1), and (B)(2). The objections must be received by the Board not earlier than 180 days or later than 60 days before the third anniversary of the adoption of the ordinance.
(1992 Code, § 2-222) (Ord. 934, § 18, passed 2-25-1997)
   In an ordinance approving the establishment of an historic district, the town may exclude changes in paint colors from the activities requiring the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness under § 35.07 of this subchapter before a permit may be issued or work begun.
(1992 Code, § 2-223) (Ord. 934, § 19, passed 2-25-1997)
   (A)   As used in this section, INTERESTED PARTY means 1 of the following:
      (1)   The Council President of the town;
      (2)   The Town Council of the town;
      (3)   The agency having land use planning jurisdiction over a historic district designated by the ordinance adopted under this subchapter;
      (4)   A neighborhood association, whether incorporated or unincorporated, a majority of whose members are residents of a historic district designated by an ordinance adopted under this subchapter;
      (5)   An owner or occupant owning or occupying property located in a historic district established by an ordinance adopted under this subchapter;
      (6)   Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Inc., or any of its successors; and/or
      (7)   The state historic preservation officer designated under I.C. 14-21-1-19.
   (B)   Every interested party has a private right of action to enforce and prevent violation of a provision of this subchapter or an ordinance adopted by the town under this subchapter, and with respect to any building, structure, or site within a historic district, has the right to restrain, enjoin, or enforce by restraining order or injunction, temporarily or permanently any person from violating a provision of this subchapter or an ordinance adopted under this subchapter.
   (C)   The interested party does not have to allege or prove irreparable harm or injury to any person or property to obtain relief under this section.
   (D) The interested party bringing an action under this section does not have to post a bond unless the court, after a hearing, determines that a bond should be required in the interest of justice.
   (E)   The interested party that brings an action under this section is not liable to any person for damages resulting from bringing or prosecuting the action unless the action was brought without good faith or without a reasonable belief that a provision of this subchapter, or an ordinance adopted by a unit under this subchapter, had been or was about to be violated.
   (F)   An interested party who obtains a favorable judgment in an action under this section may recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs from the person against whom judgment was rendered.
   (G)   An action arising under this section must be brought in the Circuit or Superior Court of the county in which the historic district lies and no change of venue from the county shall be allowed in this action.
   (H)   The remedy provided in this section is in addition to other remedies that may be available at law or in equity.
(1992 Code, § 2-224) (Ord. 934, § 20, passed 2-25-1997)