§ 96.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99(B).
   (B)   Law enforcement shall provide written notice to the owner of the premises (or person in possession of premises) advising that its alarm system experienced problems and may be defective.
   (C)   Any person who experiences a third false alarm violation within a 1-year period shall pay a fine as set forth in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 98 plus any costs, damages, expenses, or other losses by the town, as direct result of the violation.
   (D)   Any subsequent or repeat violation by the same individual of the same alleged violation within the 1-year period shall carry a fine as set forth in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 98, plus costs, damages, expenses or other losses incurred by the town as a direct result of the violation.
   (E)   Any subsequent violation by the same individual of the same alleged violation within the 1-year period shall carry a fine as set forth in the Fee Schedule, Chapter 98, plus costs, damages, expenses or other losses incurred by the town as a direct result of the violation.
(Ord. 1059, passed 12-19-2000)