(A)   The Town Marshal, any deputies or code enforcement officers are hereby authorized to issue a written demand to the owner, occupant, agent, or person in possession of the premises on which any wrecked, junked, or abandoned vehicle is kept in violation of this subchapter. The demand shall notify the person to remove the vehicle from the premises within 72 hours.
   (B)   Upon the failure or refusal of the person to remove the vehicle within the time specified, the Town Marshal or deputies shall impound the vehicle and cause it to be removed by a licensed towing agency and stored in a place affording protection from vandalism or other damage.
   (C)   The owner shall have 30 days in which to reclaim the vehicle by paying the actual expenses of removal and storage plus any fines levied under this subchapter. If not reclaimed within that time, the vehicle shall either be sold for junk or at public auction. Any money received over the actual expenses and fines shall be returned to the owner.
   (D)   The powers given to the Town Marshal and deputies are intended in no way to abridge or void any existing authority given to any other department, group, or agency of the town.
   (E)   The Town Marshal or deputies may enter at reasonable times any building, structure, or premises in the town in order to perform the duties imposed by this code.
(1992 Code, § 6-34)