(A)   The occupant of occupied premises and the owner of unoccupied premises situated in the town are required to keep the sidewalks in front of or adjacent to the premises so occupied by occupants, or in front of or adjacent to the unoccupied premises so owned by the owners, free from snow and ice.
   (B)   The word OCCUPANT means the person, persons, firm, association, or corporation occupying for business, residential, or other purposes the first floor of any building situated on the premises so occupied, and if the first floor of any building is not occupied, then the premises owner or occupant shall be required to keep the sidewalks in front of or adjacent to the premises free from snow and ice.
   (C)   Snow and ice shall be removed from sidewalks by the owner or occupant of the premises within 24 hours after its accumulation, except that such removal is not required during any snow emergency or snow condition declared by the town but such removal shall be accomplished within 48 hours after the termination of such snow emergency or condition.
   (D)   If any owner or occupant does not remove snow and ice as required, the Street Superintendent is authorized to remove or cause to be removed the snow and ice, and report in writing the necessary expense incident thereto to the Clerk-Treasurer of the town, who shall certify the amount for enforcement of such fines, penalties and expenses as the town has incurred under the provisions of this Code and Indiana law.
   (E)   Snow and ice on ADA compliant sidewalks and paths shall be cleared to such widths as to allow travel by those with disabilities.
   (F)   No person shall operate snow removal equipment on any public sidewalk within the town which has a power rating of greater than 75 horsepower.
(1992 Code, § 6-20) (Am. Ord. 1290, passed 6-24-2014)