(A)   Tape backup.
      (1)   Each night there is a tape backup of all programs on the Clerk-Treasurer’s office computer system.
      (2)   Tape backup is rotated every day and is taken off-site every night by an employee of the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
      (3)   The tape backup should ensure the least amount of down time in case of a disaster.
   (B)   Disk backup.
      (1)   Disk backups are taken of all programs in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office once a month.
      (2)   One of these disk back-ups is placed in a safe and the other is taken off the work site by an employee of the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
      (3)   At the end of the year, several disk back-ups are required. One is placed on-site in safe. One is placed in town’s safe at Wells Fargo Bank, and 1 is taken off-site by an employee of the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
   (C)   Forms. The Clerk-Treasurer will take a supply of critical forms off-site in order to be able to function on a temporary basis.
   (D)   Hardware vendor.
      (1)   The Clerk-Treasurer’s office will contact the hardware vendor immediately. The hardware vendor is as follows: Keystone Consulting Services, Inc.
      (2)   Each employee of the Clerk-Treasurer’s office shall keep a copy of the hardware vendor and telephone number off-site.
(Ord. 1055, passed 12-12-2000)