Those desiring to purchase the right of interment in the cemetery, shall make application to the Clerk-Treasurer, who shall have a file in his or her office plats and plans showing by number and designated location every lot available to the public. A designee appointed by the Cemetery Board shall identify the exact location of the grave site to the purchaser. On a selection being effected, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue the applicant a selection card showing number, location, and area as well as price fixed therefor. The card shall be presented upon making payment therefor in cash or bankable notes and the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue to the purchaser a receipt for the lot or plot. The receipt so issued shall secure to the purchaser, his or her heirs and blood relatives a burial place forever. Permission to inter in plots or lots covered by the receipt to other than blood relatives, on application of the receipt holder or his or her heirs, may be granted on the discretion of the Cemetery Board, and sales of plots or lots to others by the receipt holder, or his or her heirs, shall be ineffective without consent of the Cemetery Board. If permission is granted to the transfer, it shall be recorded with the Clerk-Treasurer and a transfer fee charged therefor. No monument shall be placed at the grave on any lot without a permit therefor, which the Cemetery Board shall issue on application of the person or persons having lawful control of the certificate, and if there be more than 1 person having control of the certificate, then upon application of all the persons.
(Ord. 1110, passed 5-13-2003)