(A)   Compliance. For the purpose of promoting compatible development, aesthetics, stability of property values, and to prevent impairment or depreciation of the commercial-industrial community in the village, no structure, including signs, in any Business, Manufacturing, Multi-Family District and Conservation Outdoor Recreation District shall hereafter be erected, moved, reconstructed, extended, enlarged, or have its exterior altered or changed in such a manner as to violate the principles set forth in division (B) below. Small accessory structures not requiring a zoning permit pursuant to § 155.03 are herewith exempt from the requirements of § 155.03.
   (B)   Principles.  To implement and define criteria for the purposes set forth in division (A) above, the following principles are established:
      (1)   No building or sign shall be permitted, the design or exterior appearance of which is of such unorthodox or abnormal character in relation to its surroundings as to be unsightly or offensive to generally accepted taste and community standards.
      (2)   No building or sign shall be permitted, the design or exterior appearance of which is so identical with those adjoining as to create excessive monotony or drabness.
      (3)   No building or sign shall be permitted where any exposed facade is not constructed or faced with a finished material which is aesthetically compatible with the other facades and presents an attractive appearance to the public and to surrounding properties.
      (4)   No building or sign shall be permitted to be sited on the property in a manner which would unnecessarily destroy or substantially damage the natural beauty of the area, particularly insofar as it would adversely affect values incident to ownership of land in that area; or which would unnecessarily have an adverse erect on the beauty and general enjoyment of existing structures on adjoining properties.
   (C)   Administration.  The Zoning Administrator shall require that each zoning permit application in any Business, Manufacturing, Conservation Outdoor Recreation or  Multi-Family District be accompanied by plans showing the exterior elevations of all existing and proposed structures on the property; a description of the proposed materials to be used; and proposed floor elevations of all structures. The Zoning Administrator shall transmit all zoning permit applications and their accompanying plans to the Plan Commission for their review.
   (D)   Review and findings.  The Plan Commission shall review the referred plans at a subsequent meeting, in accordance with the Plan Commission Application and Review Schedule and before the architectural plans for the proposed structure in the Business, Manufacturing, Multi-Family and Conservation Outdoor Recreation District are submitted for any state agency required approval. The Commission shall not approve any building plans unless it finds, after reviewing the application, that the structure, as planned, will not violate the principles set forth in division (B)(2) above.
   (E)   Appeals.  Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Plan Commission related to architectural control may appeal the decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Such appeal shall be filed with the Village Clerk within 30 days after filing the decision with the Zoning Administrator.
(Ord. 03-2016, passed 7-14-2016)