(A)   Purpose. The Historic Preservation Overlay District is created to regulate the design and appearance of development activities within the downtown area. The intent of the District is to preserve and enhance the historical quality of existing buildings and to attain a consistent, visually pleasing image for the downtown area.
   (B)   Building permit required. No building in the District shall be demolished or altered in architectural design until a building permit is issued by the Building Inspector. ALTERED IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN shall include any change in the design of windows or entryways, facade design or facade siding.
   (C)   Review of building plans.  Within the Historic Preservation Overlay District, all plans for new construction, exterior remodeling or demolition shall be reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit.
   (D)   Application requirements.  Any application for a building permit within the boundaries of the Historic Preservation Overlay District shall be submitted to the Building Inspector who shall transmit it to the Plan Commission for review and approval. In addition to the information required by the Building Code, the applicant shall include building elevations and exterior architectural drawings, including enough detail to show the proposed building style, exterior materials, colors and location of signage.
   (E)   Plan review guidelines.  The Plan Commission shall use the following guidelines for reviewing proposed development activities to assure compliance with this division.
      (1)   The mass, volume, height and setback of proposed structures should appear to be compatible with existing buildings in the immediate area.
      (2)   The facade of new or remodeled structures should maintain a compatible relationship with those of existing structures in terms of window sill or header lines, proportion of window and door openings, horizontal or vertical emphasis of major building elements, and extent of architectural detail.
      (3)   Exterior remodeling should be designed to take into account the entire building facade. The ground floor exterior should be designed to harmonize with the upper stories.
      (4)   The building materials and colors used should complement and be compatible with other buildings in the immediate area.
      (5)   In commercial buildings store front window display areas should be considered an important part of the retail marketing strategy in the downtown area. Large glass windows and street level display areas should be retained or planned into new construction.
      (6)   Existing buildings and structures should be recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historical basis should be discouraged.
      (7)   Demolition should occur only where it is found that the structure is structurally unsound or physically incapable of supporting a viable use.
      (8)   The sizing and placement of signs should fit the building.
   (F)   Plan review procedure.  The Plan Commission Chairperson shall schedule a meeting of the Commission to consider the application. The Plan Commission shall take final action to approve, deny or conditionally approve the application within 45 days of the date of Plan Commission preliminary review. Conditions of approval may include landscaping, modification to architectural design, type of construction, operational controls, sureties or deed restrictions upon the Plan Commission's findings that these are necessary to fulfill the purpose and intent of this subsection.
   (G)   Informal meeting recommended.  Applicants are encouraged to submit conceptual plans or meet with the Commission for preliminary review and discussion prior to formal submittal of detailed plans.
   (H)   Issuance of building permit.  A building permit shall be issued to the applicant, stating the official action of the Plan Commission and shall be referred to the Zoning Administrator for enforcement of this section. Approved building permits shall expire in 12 months unless substantial work has been completed.
   (I)   Appeal.  If the project is not approved, the applicant may modify the proposal and resubmit, or may choose to appeal the Commission's decision within 30 days, to the Village Board, which may affirm or modify the decision of the Plan Commission.
   (J)   Penalty.  Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 10.99.
(Ord. 03-2016, passed 7-14-2016)