(A)   The Equal Opportunities Commission shall have the right, power, authority, and responsibility to investigate complaints charging violations of this chapter, to make a prompt and full investigation of each such complaint, and to request the Village Attorney to commence proceedings in the appropriate court in the name of the village for the enforcement of this chapter. The Village Attorney, upon the request of the Equal Opportunities Commission, may issue a complaint if, in his or her judgment, an action of discrimination is sustainable in court.
   (B)   Any person claiming to be aggrieved by an alleged discriminatory practice or act contrary to the provisions of this chapter may, in person or through a duly authorized representative, make, sign, and file a complaint with the Commission.
   (C)   The complaint shall be in writing and signed before a notary public on a form supplied by or acceptable to the Commission. Each complaint shall contain the following:
      (1)   The full name and address of the person making the complaint;
      (2)   The full name and address of the person against whom the complaint is made;
      (3)   A plain and concise statement of the facts constituting the alleged unlawful discriminatory practice or act; and
      (4)   The date or dates of the alleged unlawful discriminatory practice or act.
   (D)   A complaint shall be filed with the Equal Opportunities Commission as soon as possible after the date of the alleged discriminatory practice or act, but it shall be filed within 30 days after the aggrieved person becomes aware of the alleged discriminatory practice or act, and in no event more than 60 days after the alleged discriminatory practice or act occurred.
   (E)   Upon receipt of a verified complaint as hereinabove provided, the Commission shall promptly conduct, or cause to be conducted, an investigation of the allegations contained therein. The person against whom such complaint has been made shall be notified of the complaint made and a copy of the complaint shall be served upon said respondent. The initial complaint shall be served prior to the commencement of the investigation by the Commission. The respondent shall be invited to respond in writing within ten days of the date of receipt of the complaint. The answer shall be a written statement by the respondent which replies to the allegations of the complainant. Each answer shall contain the following:
      (1)   The respondent’s current address;
      (2)   An admission of any allegations in the complaint that are true;
      (3)   A specific denial of each and every allegation of the complaint that the respondent disagrees with;
      (4)   A denial of any allegation for which the respondent does not have enough knowledge or information to form an opinion about its truth or falsity; and
      (5)   A statement of any matter constituting a defense to the complainant’s charges.
   (F)   The Equal Opportunities Commission shall attempt to resolve the dispute between the complainant and the respondent by conference, conciliation, and persuasion unless either party requests the Commission not to undertake conciliation. If the Commission cannot achieve a resolution acceptable to both parties, it may either forward the complaint, the answer, and its findings to the Village Attorney for prosecution under this chapter or it may forward such information to the appropriate state and/or federal agencies as it deems appropriate. The Commission may dismiss a complaint if the complainant fails to respond within ten days from the receipt of any correspondence from the Commission concerning the complaint, provided that such correspondence was sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the complainant.
(Prior Code, § 19.06)