(a) Definitions.
(1) A “construction zone” is hereby defined as any lane or portion of street or highway open to vehicular traffic and adjacent to a lane, berm, or shoulder of a street or highway within which lane, berm or shoulder construction, reconstruction, resurfacing or any other work of a repair or maintenance nature, including public utility work, is being conducted, commencing with the point where the first worker or piece of equipment is located and ending where the last worker or piece of equipment is located.
(2) “Work length” is hereby defined as the length of roadway directly or indirectly affected by construction activities including the transition area (where redirection of the driver’s normal path occurs), the activity area (which includes the construction zone and any buffers) and the termination area (where traffic is returned to its normal path), but not including the advance warning sign area.
(b) Posting of Signs Advising that Penalties are Increased Within Construction Zones.
(1) The Village Administrator shall post signs indicating that traffic fines are doubled for speeding within selected construction zones. This provision shall apply in any construction zone on any highway in the Village of New Boston where a sign has been posted.
(2) The signs, sign location and mounting shall be in accordance with the following:
A. The sign posted shall be designed by the Village Administrator in accordance with the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices. The signs shall be mounted on both sides of a directional roadway of a divided highway, but need only be mounted on the right side of an undivided roadway or ramp.
B. The first sign(s) shall be placed between the “road work ahead” sign or other similar warning sign and the next sign in the sequence. Additional signs are required for long construction zones or where ramps or through streets junction within the construction project work limits. Signs shall be erected on each entrance ramp, near intersections of through roads to advise entering or turning traffic, and at least once every two miles through the construction work limits.
C. The signs shall be furnished, erected, maintained in good condition and/or replaced as necessary and subsequently removed by the entity which erects the traffic controls within the project. Signs shall be mounted at the appropriate offsets and elevations as prescribed by the Ohio manual of uniform traffic control devices. They shall be mounted on supports meeting current safety criteria.
D. Where construction activity affects only one directional roadway of a divided highway with a barrier or wide median, signs shall not be erected for traffic on the opposing directional roadway or ramp.
E. Signs shall be covered or removed when a construction zone is discontinued for a period of thirty days or more. Additionally, the agency may require signs to be covered or removed for a specific shorter period.
(c) Penalty. If an offender operates a motor vehicle in a construction zone where a sign was posted in accordance with this section the court, in addition to all other penalties provided by law, shall impose upon the offender a fine of two times the usual amount imposed for the violation. (Ord. 19-2014. Passed 5-6-14.)