Name of Street
Gallia St. (both sides)
East Corporation line
Clayton Ave.
Gallia St. (north side)
West right-of-way of Glenwood Ave.
West for 120 feet
Gallia St. (south side)
East right-of-way of a north-south alley in the 4100 block
For a distance of 120 feet
Glenwood Ave. (west side)
Gallia St.
Intersection of Glenwood Ave. and the first alley north of the said Gallia St. and Rhodes Ave.
Glenwood Ave. (both sides)
Gallia St.
Rhodes Ave.
Harrisonville Ave. (west side)
Gallia St.
North corporation limit
The paved portion of Lakeshore Dr. (both sides)
Gallia St.
Oak St.
Lakeview Ave. (both sides)
Rhodes Ave.
Gallia St.
Center St. (east side)
east-west alley
South right-of-way line of extended Stanton Ave.
Center St. (west side)
Rhodes Ave.
South to alley
The paved area of McCann Ave.
Hill St. (east side)
Gallia St.
An alley, which alley runs parallel to Gallia St. and lies between the Methodist Church and Glenwood High School
Mills Ave. (north and south sides)
Length of Ave.
Oak St. (north side)
Lakeview Ave.
80 ft. east
Pennsylvania Ave. (paved portion)
South line of lot #646
North corporation limit
Rhodes Ave. (both sides)
Gallia St. at Taylor Ave.
Intersection of Rhodes Ave and Clayport Ave.
Rhodes Ave. (north sides)
The first alley east of Park Ave.
Lakeview Ave.
Rhodes Ave. (north side)
3600 block of Rhodes Ave. along New Boston Kiwanas Park
West Ave.
Rhodes Ave. (north side)
3800 block of Rhodes Ave. from the east entrance of 3977 Rhodes Ave.
Center St.
Rhodes Ave. (north side)
West Ave.
East for 190 feet
Rhodes Ave. (south side)
Buch St.
Peebles St.
Rhodes Ave. (south side)
Peebles St.
West Ave.
Rhodes Ave. (south side)
Vine St.
East 350 feet
Stewart St. (both sides)
Gallia St.
Rhodes Ave.
Taft St.
Harrisonville Ave.
End of pavement on Taft St.
West Ave. (west side)
Rhodes Ave.
South to the river
York (south side)
Lakeview Ave.
Harrison Ave.
York (north side)
Harrison Ave.
A distance of 66 ft. east
Maple St. (north side)
Harrison Ave.
Lakeview Ave.
Oak St. (south side)
A point 575 east of Lakeview Ave.
East corporate limit
Glenwood Ave. (east side)
Directly in front of school
80 ft. in length
Gallia St. (north side)
Harrisonville Ave.
Eastward for 150 ft.
Gallia St. (south side)
Park Ave.
Eastward for 150 ft.
Park Ave. (west side)
Harrisonville Ave.
Rhodes Ave.
Peebles St. (east side)
East-west alley
Rhodes Ave.
Peebles St. (west side)
East-west alley
Rhodes Ave.
Center St. (west side)
Gallia Street
Rhodes Ave.
Rhodes Ave. (4000 block north side)
North-south alley
Park Ave.
Rhodes Ave. (north side)
Center St.
A north-south alley at the family dollar store
Rhodes Ave. (south side)
The northeast corner of Lot No. 393 (Frank’s Tavern)
Center St. (east side)
Stanton Ave. (extended)
South side of 4200 block Rhodes Ave.
Park Ave.
Lakeview Ave.
Both sides of 3900 block Stanton Ave.
Vine St.
New Center
Both sides of New Center
Rhodes Ave.
Stanton Ave.
South side of 3900 and 4000 block of Rhodes Ave.
Vine St.
Glenwood Ave.
West side of Manning St.
Gallia St.
Rhodes Ave.
Shale Bank Hollow Industrial Park access road (east and west side)
10:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m.
Mills Ave off Glenwood
The north and south side in its entirety
(Ord. 1670. Passed 1-21-64; Ord. 2013. Passed 12-2-69; Ord. 2075. Passed 6-9-70; Ord. 2199. Passed 2-1-72; Ord. 2223. Passed 7-11-72; Ord. 2303. Passed 6-5-73; Ord. 2315. Passed 8-7- 73; Ord. 2551. Passed 11-16-76; Ord. 2559. Passed 1-4-77; Ord. 2567. Passed 3-15-77; Ord. 2627. Passed 2-21-78; Ord. 2646. Passed 5-16-78; Ord. 2661. Passed 7-18-78; Ord. 2682. Passed 11-21-78; Ord. 2812. Passed 10-7-80; Ord. 22-81. Passed 5-5-81; Ord. 6-82. Passed 3- 2-82; Ord. 72-83. Passed 12-20-83; Ord. 5-86. Passed 1-21-86; Ord. 71-89. Passed 11-21-89; Ord. 21-90. Passed 7-17-90; Ord. 22-90. Passed 7-17-90; Ord. 37-91. Passed 11-5-91; Ord. 1- 93. Passed 1-5-93; Ord. 27-94. Passed 9-6-94; Ord. 15-96. Passed 4-16-96; Ord. 11-00. Passed 4-18-00; Ord. 28-00. Passed 10-3-00; Ord. 21-01. Passed 8-7-01; Ord. 24-01. Passed 10-16-01; Ord. 18-2003. Passed 10-21-03; Ord. 15-12. Passed 3-20-12; Ord. 44-2014. Passed 8-19-14.)