The service alley from the west intersection of Center Street, west to and including a north- south alley ending at the north section of Stanton Avenue.
   The service alley extended north from an east-west alley in the 4000 block of Rhodes Avenue, north to Rhodes Avenue, to be designated one way north.
Cedar St.
East, between Harrisonville and Lakeview.
Gallia St.
West, from E. Corp. limits to W. Corp. limits.
Maple St.
East, between Harrisonville Ave. and Lakeview.
Oak St.
West, between Harrisonville Ave. and Lakeview.
Pine St.
East, between Harrisonville Ave. and Lakeview.
Pine St.
East, between Lakeview Ave. and Lakeshore Dr.
East, W. Corp. to E. Corp. limits.
Spruce St.
West, between Harrisonville Ave. and Lakeview.
Stanton Ave.
West, between Vine St. and West Ave.
York St.
West, between Harrisonville Ave. and Lakeview.
Lakeshore Dr.
South, intersecting alley to Gallia St.
Manning St.
South, between Gallia St. and Rhodes Ave.
Glenwood Avenue
North from Rhodes Avenue to Gallia Street.
Center Street
South from Gallia Street to Rhodes Avenue.
(Ord. 1599. Passed 12-5-61; Ord. 2130. Passed 1-9-71; Ord. 2179. Passed 9-7-71; Ord. 2182. Passed 11-2-71; Ord. 2304. Passed 6-19-73; Ord. 2682. Passed 11-21-78; Ord. 2796. Passed 8-5-80; Ord. 53-82. Passed 11-2-82; Ord. 61-83. Passed 11-15-83; Ord. 61-82. Passed 12-21- 82; Ord. 71-89. passed 11-21-89; Ord. 26-93. Passed 8-3-93.)