(a)   Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated by the Village of New Boston, Ohio. Sexual harassment is defined as a continuing pattern of unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or physical contact of a sexual nature by supervisors, fellow employees or citizens under any of the following conditions:
      (1)   When submission to the conduct involves a condition of the individual’s employment, stated or implied;
      (2)   The individual’s submission or refusal is used, or might be used, as the basis for an employment decision which affects the individual; and/or
      (3)   The conduct unreasonably interferes with the individual’s job performance or creates a work environment that is intimidating, hostile or offensive.
   (b)   The Village’s appointed EEOC Officer is responsible for handling all complaints of sexual harassment and for insuring that all are investigated fully and fairly, regardless of the manner in which they are made or the individuals involved. Should the EEOC Officer be the subject of a complaint of sexual harassment, then the complaint should be made to the Village Solicitor, who shall investigate the complaint.
   (c)   Council will review every case and ensure that the complaint has been fully and impartially investigated. If the evidence shows a pattern of harassment as described above, the Council shall take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending employee, up to and including discharge from employment.
   (d)   Any employee making a complaint shall be fully advised of his/her rights and responsibilities under State and Federal regulations. No employee shall be the focus of retaliation or reprisals for filing a sexual harassment charge.
   (e)   After exhausting local remedies, an employee who wishes to pursue a complaint under subsection (d) hereof, should contact the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, 220 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43266-0543, telephone number 1-614-466-2785.
(Ord. 12-96. Passed 4-2-96.)