Employees of the Village shall be reimbursed for subsistence expenses while on official Village business as follows:
   (a)   No more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day, for lodging, parking, taxi fares, telephone calls and other similar items of expenses incident and necessary to the performance of official Village business; provided, however, that such items of business shall be documented fully. However, additional dollars may be reimbursed under special circumstances such as the City traveled to and the prevailing expenses for lodging and travel there, upon approval by the Mayor or Village Administrator.
   (b)   Village employees required to stay overnight outside of the Village on official business will be reimbursed for meals not more than thirty dollars ($30.00) per day when costs of meals are itemized and accompanied by receipts.
   (c)   Village employees required to attend a meeting or engage in official business where they leave and return in the same day will not be reimbursed any meals. However, if the cost of a meal is included in the registration fee, it will be paid. Also, under special circumstances, the Mayor or Village Administrator may pre- approve the cost of a meal, not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00).
      (Ord. 9-2000. Passed 3-21-00.)