(a)   After preliminary consultation and before submitting a plat for final approval, the subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat, together with improvement plans and other supplemental material as specified under subsection (f) hereof.
   (b)   Four copies of the preliminary plat and supplemental material specified shall be submitted to the Planning Commission with written application for conditional approval at least ten days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.
   (c)   The Commission shall, within thirty days, or within such further time as the applicant may agree to review the preliminary plat and other material submitted for conformity to these Regulations and negotiate with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable.
   (d)   Upon completion of the review, the action of the Commission shall be noted on two copies of the preliminary plat, referred and attached to any conditions determined. One copy shall be retained by the Commission and the others returned to the subdivider.
   (e)   Conditional approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the final plat, but shall be interpreted as an expression of approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary plat and as a guide to the preparation of the final plat, which will be submitted for approval of the Commission and for recording upon fulfillment of the requirements and conditions of these Regulations.
   (f)   A person or corporation desiring approval of a plat of a subdivision of any land lying within the jurisdiction of the Commission, shall submit a written application thereon to the Commission. Such application shall be accompanied by the following information. The information called for in subsections (f)(l) and (2) herein may be submitted as one or two maps or plans as required by the Commission.
      (1)   A site map at a scale of 100 feet to one-inch or larger showing:
         A.   Contours at vertical intervals of two feet if the general slope of the site is less than ten percent at vertical intervals of five feet if the general slope is greaterthan ten percent. The Commission may relieve the subdivider of this requirement if, on application by him setting forth his reasons, the Commission is of the opinion that contours are not necessary in order to administer these Regulations properly in connection with the subdivision.
         B.   A land inspection sketch showing terrain features, wooded areas, buildings and other natural or artificial features which would affect the plan of the subdivision.
         C.   The location of all known streams, watercourses and drainage ditches within the area to be subdivided and similar facts regarding conditions on land adjacent thereto.
         D.   Approximate boundaries of areas subject to periodic flooding or overflow of storm waters and marshy areas.
         E.   Tract boundary lines, showing dimensions, bearings, corners and acreage.
         F.   The location of present property and Municipal lines within or adjacent to the proposed site.
         G.   Existing streets, alleys and rights of way on or adjoining the site including dedicated widths, roadway widths, approximate gradients, types and widths of pavement data.
         H.   Locations, widths and purposes of all easements.
         I.   Utilities, including sanitary and storm sewers, and other drainage facilities, water lines, gas mains, electric and other utilities. Size capacity of each utility must be shown, and the locations of or distance to each existing utility indicated.
         J.   The names of owners of lots abutting the proposed subdivision.
         K.   Existing zoning of tract and adjacent area.
         L.   Title, date, north point and graphic scale.
      (2)   A preliminary plat of the subdivision, drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one-inch or larger. The preliminary plat shall be twenty-two by thirty-six inches in size, or made in multiples of this size and cut along match lines, and shall show:
         A.   Proposed name of the subdivision.
         B.   Location by section, township, range or other legal description.
         C.   Names and addresses of owner and subdivider and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan.
         D.   The location, arrangement and width of proposed streets, alleys and easements.
         E.   Layout of lots showing dimensions and numbers.
         F.   Building setback lines.
         G.   Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semi-public or community purposes.
         H.   The proposed use of all lots and areas other than single-family residential.
         I.   Graphic scale, north point and date.
      (3)   Engineering plans showing:
         A.   Profiles, typical cross-sections and specifications for proposed street improvements.
         B.   Profiles and other explanatory data concerning the installation of sanitary, storm sewerage and water distribution systems.
      (4)   A description of the protective covenants or private restrictions to be incorporated in the subdivision plat.
         (Ord. 1878. Passed 5-7-68.)