Any requirements for off-street parking shall be in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than 180 square feet exclusive of access drives or aisles and each parking space shall have a minimum width of nine feet. Except in the case of dwellings, no parking area provided hereunder shall be established for less than three spaces. There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Access drives or driveways shall not be less than twelve feet wide. No access drive or driveway shall be located in any residential zone to provide access to uses other than those permitted in such zone.
   (b)   Off-street parking spaces and structures for four or more family structures shall not be located between the required setback line and right-of-way line. On corner lots, no parking area or parking structure for four or more family structures shall be located between the side street right-of-way line and the required front yard setback line for structures on the side street.
   (c)   The number of off-street parking spaces required is set forth in Table I. listed herein. In case of any building, structure or premises, which is not specifically mentioned herein, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall determine the amount of off-street parking required.
   (d)   All permitted and required accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be located on the same lot as the use to which such spaces are accessory, except that such spaces may be provided within a radius of 250 feet from the lot lines. Such spaces shall be in the same ownership as the use to which they are accessory and shall be subject to deed restrictions filed with the County, binding the owner and his heirs, successors and assigns to maintain the required number of spaces available throughout the life of such use.
   (e)   The number of required off-street parking spaces may be eliminated or reduced if there exists within 500 feet of the church, synagogue or house of worship, public or private parking lots containing a sufficient number of off-street parking spaces to satisfy the requirements of Table I. The church, synagogue or house of worship must provide the difference if the number of parking spaces in the private or public lots is below the number required by Table I. Any spaces provided in public or private lots must be shown to be available for worshipers on the date or days of greatest use.
Minimum Required Off-Street
Parking Spaces
Bowling alleys
Five parking spaces for each alley
Churches, Synagogues, and Houses of Worship
One parking space for each five seats except as noted in subsection (e)
Community Buildings, Country Clubs, Social Halls, Lodges, Fraternal Organizations and similar uses
One for each 500 sq. ft. of floor area occupied by all principal and accessory structures
Doctors and Dentists (in other than office buildings)
Two spaces for patients’ use for each doctor’s office
Motels and Room Houses
One for each rentable unit
Funeral Homes and Mortuaries
Five parking spaces for each parlor
Hospital, Nursing and Convalescing Homes
One for each three beds
One for each two rentable units
Manufacturing, Industrial and General Commercial Uses not otherwise specified herein
One for each four employees in the maximum working shift
One space fo every 500 sq. ft. of rentable floor area
Restaurants, Bars and Cafes
One for each four seats
Retail Stores, Store Groups, Shops, etc.
One for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area where the floor area exceeds 1,000 sq. ft.
Wholesale Establishments or Warehouses
One for each four employees on maximum shift
(Ord. 2672. Passed 10-3-78.)