The Company shall file annually with the Village, no later than 120 days after the end of the Company's fiscal year, a copy of a financial report applicable to the cable system including an income statement applicable to its operations during the preceding twelve month period, a balance sheet, and a statement of its properties devoted to cable system operations, by categories, within the service area and for the entire system, giving its investment in such properties on the basis of original cost, less applicable depreciation. The Village requires the reporting of depreciation expenses used for tax purposes as well as book depreciation. These reports shall be certified as correct by an authorized officer of the Company and there shall be submitted along with them such other reasonable information as the Village shall request with respect to the Company's properties and expenses related to its cable system operations within the Village. The Village may hire an independent consultant to audit the Company's financial records, in which case the Company shall provide all necessary records to the consultant.
(Ord. 12- 83. Passed 2-15- 83.)