(a)    The Mayor is hereby authorized to establish, adopt and enforce, or cause to be enforced, such rules and regulations governing the issuance of the license required under this chapter as he may deem reasonable and necessary. Such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)    Applications for a license may be denied by the Mayor:
      (1)    If the mechanical amusement device is in any manner violative of Ohio R.C. Chapter 2915 or Chapter 517 of Part Five - General Offenses Code;
      (2)    If the applicant or any partner or other person associated with the applicant and having a proprietary interest in the mechanical amusement device, the revenue it generates or the premises in which it is situated, is of bad moral character, which, for purposes of this chapter, means having been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude within five years preceding the date of the application; or
      (3)    For any other reason which the Mayor deems consistent with the provisions of this chapter and which is set out in writing in the rules and regulations established by the Mayor to implement this chapter.
         (Ord. 3-81. Passed 1-1-81.)