As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:
   (a)    "Exhibitor" means any person, firm, corporation or association owning or exhibiting a mechanical amusement device or contracting for the installation, use or exhibition of the same or permitting the installation, use or exhibition of the same in his place of business.
   (b)    "Mechanical amusement device" or "device" means a machine, device or instrument which, upon the insertion of a coin, token or slug, operates or may be operated for use as a game, contest of skill or amusement of any description, and which in no way tends to encourage gambling, as that term is used in Chapter 517 , Part Five - General Offenses Code, and Ohio R. C. Chapter 2915. This definition does not include merchandise vending machines or juke boxes.
      (Ord. 3-81. Passed 1-1-81.)
   (c)    "Amusement arcade" means any place of business at which eleven or more mechanically or electrically operated amusement devices are situated for the use or entertainment of persons patronizing such place of business and is devoted exclusively to the operation of such devices.
      (Ord. 18-96. Passed 5-7-96.)