(A) Acceptance of owned animals. All owned animals that are unwanted and which are brought to the animal shelter and surrendered immediately become the property of Newberry County, acting through its Department of Animal Care and Control.
(B) In-county residents. All residents of Newberry County may bring any unwanted animals to the animal shelter during the hours of 10:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. They will be required to sign a custody surrender form. There will be no charge for in-county residents to dispose of their unwanted animals by this means. If, after signing the agreement surrendering their pet, the owner changes his or her mind and wants the animal back, the former owner will be required to adopt the animal back for a fee of $85, thus ensuring that the animal will be properly vaccinated and spayed or neutered before being released from the animal shelter.
(C) Out-of-county residents. Newberry County Animal Care and Control does not accept any animals from residents of any county other than Newberry County.
(Ord. 10-32-05, passed 10-5-2005; Am. Ord. 05-18-07, passed 7-11-2007; Am. Ord. 03-04-14, passed 4-16-2014)