(A)   Solid waste, trash, household garbage, waste building materials, waste industrial products, or any other waste-type material, including transportable liquid effluent (excluding septic tank effluent) [all foregoing waste is collectively referred to hereinafter as “solid waste”], generated in, or brought into, the county shall be transported and disposed of in accordance with this subchapter, the applicable state laws, and the appropriate rules and regulations of the state and the United States.
   (B)   The County Administrator shall have direct responsibility for the management and supervision of the system. In the discharge of these duties, the County Administrator shall have the authority to assign and delegate to other county personnel the following duties and responsibilities: location of convenience centers throughout the unincorporated portion of the county; operation, maintenance and supply of equipment; supervision of personnel; inspection of sites and areas; the issuance of permits or licenses; supervision of private waste collectors; coordination of disposal operations of municipalities, and coordination with municipalities and agencies of the state with regard to the enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter and the provisions of state laws and regulations governing these matters, and such other duties as my be prescribed by County Council.
(Ord. 04-09-2022, passed 6-1-2022)