(A) Public announcement. It is the policy of the county to announce publicly all requirements for professional services and to negotiate the contracts on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications at fair and reasonable prices. In the procurement of professional services such as architect, engineer, land-surveying services, and other similar professional services, the Purchasing Director may request firms to submit a statement of qualifications and performance data, or other information relating to the training, competence, and experience of the provider of the services.
(B) Selection process. A selection committee composed of 3 members, including the Purchasing Director, the Administrator, or designee, and the head of a using agency in need of the architect-engineer or land-surveying services, or other professional services shall conduct discussions with 3 or more firms, whenever possible, regarding the proposed contract and the relative utility of alternative methods of approach for furnishing the required services and shall select from among them no less than 2 of the firms deemed most qualified to provide the required services. The selection shall be made in order of preference, based on criteria established and published by the selection committee. Provided, however, in the event that the County of Newberry has an ongoing professional relationship with a provider of those services required by the county, the County Administrator, in his or her discretion, may negotiate with the provider for the provision of the required services. Provided further, the County Administrator may select the provider of professional services in any event if the anticipated cost is $25,000 or less and not included with the current budget year, or $50,000 or less if the amount is included in the current budget year. For services in excess of $25,000 when not included with the current budget year, or $50,000 or less if included in the current budget year, the County Council shall select the provider of the services.
(C) Negotiation. Except as provided in division (B) above, the Purchasing Director shall negotiate a contract with the advice and consent of the Administrator or his or her designee, with the firm so selected to be the most qualified for architect-engineer, land surveying, or other professional services at compensation, which the Purchasing Director determines in writing to be fair and reasonable to the county. In making this decision, the Purchasing Director shall take into account the estimated value, the scope, the complexity, and the professional nature of the services to be rendered. Should the Purchasing Director be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm considered to be the most qualified at a price the Purchasing Director determines to be fair and reasonable to the county, negotiations with that firm shall be formally terminated. The Purchasing Director shall then undertake negotiations with other firms as selected by the committee in the order selected until an agreement is reached. At the completion of negotiations, a tabulation of fees proposed by the organizations solicited will be prepared and mailed or delivered to all interested parties.
(D) Competitive bidding. If the County Administrator determines that competitive bidding should be used in the selection of the professional services, the process may be used in lieu of the procedures set forth herein, and in accordance with the bidding procedures set forth elsewhere in this chapter.
(Ord. 01-02-04, passed 1-7-2004; Am. Ord. 10-42-06, passed 11-15-2006; Am. Ord. 5-14-2022, passed 7-6-2022)
A contract may be awarded for a supply, service, or construction item without competition when the Purchasing Director determines that there is only 1 source for the required supply, equipment, service, or construction item.
(Ord. 01-02-04, passed 1-7-2004; Am. Ord. 10-42-06, passed 11-15-2006)
For the purpose of determining the low vendor, the Purchasing Director shall grant local vendors (those vendors maintaining a place of business in Newberry County) a 2% preference on the amount of their quotation or bid up to a maximum total of $50,000. The preference would not apply to purchases totaling less than $50. Preferences do not apply to either prime or subcontractors as relates to construction contracts nor any item that may be purchased on state contracts. Exception: road paving contracts, a 2% preference on the amount of their quotation or bid up to a maximum total of $800,000. Provided, however, that in the event the procurement is to be made pursuant to state or federal guidelines which prohibit or restrict local preference, then in the circumstances there shall be no local preference.
(Ord. 01-02-04, passed 1-7-2004; Am. Ord. 10-42-06, passed 11-15-2006)
(A) By Coordinator.
(1) Generally. In case of an apparent emergency which requires immediate purchase of supplies or procurement of contractual services, the County Administrator or his or her designee shall be empowered to authorize the Coordinator to secure by open market procedure as herein set forth, at the lowest obtainable price, any supplies or contractual services regardless of the amount of the expenditure.
(2) Recorded explanation. A full report of the circumstances of an emergency purchase shall be filed by the Coordinator with the County Administrator or designee.
(B) By head of department. In case of actual emergency, the head of any using department or agency may purchase directly any supplies and services whose immediate procurement is essential to prevent delays in the work of the using agency which may vitally affect the life, health, safety, or welfare of citizens.
(1) Recorded explanation. The head of the department or agency shall send to the Purchasing Director a requisition and a copy of the delivery record together with a full written report of the circumstances of the emergency. The report shall be filed with the County Administrator or designee as provided in division (A)(2) above.
(2) Emergency procedure. The County Council may prescribe by rules and regulations any additional procedures under which emergency purchases by heads of using agencies may be made.
(Ord. 01-02-04, passed 1-7-2004; Am. Ord. 10-42-06, passed 11-15-2006)