(A)   It is the purpose of this subchapter to provide for the payment of fees from industrial dischargers to the city's wastewater collection and treatment system in order to defray the cost of administration of the city's industrial pretreatment program.
   (B)   The following charges and fees are established:
      (1)   Application fee:
         (a)   Discharge permit: $500; and
         (b)   Construction permit: $400.
      (2)   Appeal fee: $100;
      (3)   Site inspection: $100;
      (4)   Annual sampling/inspection: $400;
      (5)   Pollutant analysis fees:
         (a)   Conventional pollutants (TBOD, TSS, COD, O&G, pH, and the like): $145 each sample;
         (b)   Total toxic organics (includes volatiles, semi-volatiles, and pesticides): $875 each sample;
         (c)   Cyanide, total: $38 each sample;
         (d)   Hexavalent chromium: $25 each sample;
         (e)   Mercury: $50 each sample;
         (f)   Each individual metal: $20 each sample;
         (g)   BTEX: $150 each sample;
         (h)   Turbidity: $18 each sample;
         (i)   Sulfide or sulfite: $23 each sample;
         (j)   Nitrate or nitrite: $18 each sample;
         (k)   Surfactants (MBAS): $40 each sample;
         (l)   Phenols: $33 each sample; and
         (m)   Flashpoint: $35 each sample.
   (C)   The city sewer board is further authorized and directed to obtain competitive quotes from laboratory service providers on a not less than annual basis for the costs of performing sample analysis of each of the items listed in subdivision (B)(5) above and to adjust the above-listed rates in a manner such that the fee charged shall not be more than 110% of the cost charged by the selected laboratory service provider for any such item without further review or action by this Common Council. All other provisions of this subchapter shall require review and amendment by the Common Council to effectuate any changes.
(Ord. G-13-07, passed 4-1-2012)