§ 154.05 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   The final plat shall be submitted to the Plan Commission in the form of an original drawing on linen tracing cloth of the size of 18 inches by 25 inches, and to the scale of 100 feet to the inch, unless the use of the scale should cause the size of the plat to be in excess of the above dimensions, then an approximate scale may be used to conform to the size. In addition to the original drawing there shall be also submitted to the Commission six blueprint or photostatic copies of same. The following shall be disclosed in the final plat:
      (1)   Boundary lines of the subdivision tract and of adjoining properties;
      (2)   An accurate metes and bounds description of the tract and source of title;
      (3)   Northpoint, scale and data;
      (4)   The lines and curve data of all streets and alleys with their names and widths;
      (5)   Lot lines and dimensions and lot and block numbers;
      (6)   Location of buildings setback lines and easements for public utilities and their dimensions;
      (7)   Location and type of all permanent monuments;
      (8)   Restrictions of all types which run with the land;
      (9)   Name of subdivision, names of the subdividers;
      (10)   Certification by an Indiana-registered, professional land surveyor;
      (11)   Certificate of dedication for public use;
      (12)   Certificate for approval of Commission; and
      (13)   Base flood elevations, when any part of the subdivision lies within the flood plain. "Base flood elevation" and "flood plain" shall be defined as in the Zoning Ordinance.
   (B)   The final plat for subdivisions resulting in the creation of no more than four lots and with no new public street may be prepared in the form of a surveyor's plat which is consistent with applicable standards of surveying practice contained in the 865 I.A.C. 1-12 and divisions (A)(1) through (13) above. The plats are subject to all other procedures and requirements contained herein. The plats may be recorded in the Floyd County Recorder's Deed Records or Survey Record or in the Subdivision Plat Books.
(Ord. 4585, passed 12-3-1956; Ord. Z-79-734, passed 2-5-1979; Ord. Z-93-171, passed 10-21-1993)
   The minimum development standards and requirements for land subdivisions are as follows.
   (A)   Streets, alley and utility easements.
      (1)   The minimum width for streets shall be 50 feet.
      (2)   The minimum width for utility easements shall be six feet.
      (3)   A dead-end street, if permitted by the Plan Commission, shall terminate in a circular right-of-way providing for a minimum outside diameter of 80 feet.
      (4)   All streets and sewers within any subdivision must be built in accordance with specifications of the city, and all plans and specifications for the construction of any public improvement must have approval of the Board of Public Works and Safety.
   (B)   Blocks.
      (1)   The minimum block lengths shall be not less than 400 feet and the maximum length shall be not to exceed 800 feet.
      (2)   Blocks shall be of sufficient width to allow two tiers of lots of appropriate depth.
   (C)   Lots.
      (1)   All lots shall abut on a street or public highway.
      (2)   The side lines of the lots generally shall be at right angles to straight lines and radial to curved street lines.
      (3)   The minimum lot area required shall be 10,000 square feet when septic tanks are used and 6,000 square feet where connected to a sewer.
   (D)   Easements. Where alleys are not provided, easements shall be provided for utilities. The easements shall generally be located along rear side lot lines in which case a minimum width of six feet, three on either side of the lot line shall be provided, or if the easement is within the lot, the total minimum width shall be provided.
   (E)   Building setback lines.
      (1)   The building line of lots in a subdivision designed for residential purposes shall conform to Ord. 4360, § 18.
      (2)   The building line of lots in a subdivision designed for commercial purposes shall conform to Ord. 4360, § 15.
   (F)   Monuments. Monuments or markers shall be placed at each outside corner of the subdivision or addition, and at the intersection of street property lines, and at such other points as the Commission deems necessary. The monuments may be of concrete, stone, iron pipe or other permanent material.
   (G)   Sewer, water and storm drainage. Whenever there is within reasonable distance a sanitary sewer outlet or outlets and a connection infeasible the subdivision shall be provided with a complete public sewer system which shall connect with the outlets. Similar requirements shall apply to the provision for proper water supply for the subdivision. The subdivision shall provide a storm sewer, if, in the opinion of the Commission, natural surface drainage is inadequate.
(Ord. 4585, passed 12-3-1956)
   The city's Plan Commission shall hereafter require in regard to subdivision developments the following requirements and certifications to be executed for the subdivision developer and other specified parties by state registered land surveyors or professional engineers, except that the City Engineer's certifications may be executed by the person serving as City Engineer regardless of his or her registration status; the following requirements and certifications shall be deemed complimentary and supplementary to existing regulations.
   (A)   Final construction plans for subdivision site improvements shall be certified to the Board of Public Works and Safety and/or City Engineer, as the Board shall stipulate; certified shall minimally be the degree to which designs meet city specifications and the accuracy of data and statistical information on the plans.
   (B)   After approval of the final construction plans for subdivision site improvements by the Board and/or City Engineer, one copy of approved plans shall be certified by the City Engineer to the Plan Commission; included in the certification shall minimally be the degree of acceptability of the designs and the degree to which the designs meet city specifications.
   (C)   Final construction plans for subdivision site improvements as certified by the City Engineer to the Plan Commission shall be considered part of the final (or record) plat of a subdivision, and approval of a final plat shall include said final construction plans as a stipulation of approval; the recording of the final construction plans with the County Recorder's office shall not be required.
   (D)   After approval and recording of the final plat, and after a local building permit and an improvement location permit have been issued for the construction of a dwelling in a subdivision, and after construction is complete, but prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a dwelling, the builder shall cause certification to be made to the Plan Commission; it shall minimally be certified that the construction of the dwelling and/or any site work does not deviate from the approved and certified construction plans for subdivision site improvements.
(Res. 7-77-659, passed 6-7-1977)
§ 154.08 FEES.
   At the time of the filing of the application for the approval of a proposed plat with the Plan Commission, the applicant shall pay to the Commission a fee for the checking and verifying the proposed plat and for other services in connection therewith. For current fees, see § 158.02, Planning and Zoning Permits.
(Ord. 4585, passed 12-3-1956)
   Any person or persons, firm or corporation aggravated by any decision of the Plan Commission may have their case reviewed as provided by law.
(Ord. 4585, passed 12-3-1956)
   The Plan Commission may institute suit for injunction to restrain individuals of this chapter as provided by law.
(Ord. 4585, passed 12-3-1956)
§ 154.99 PENALTY.
   Persons who violate any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $10, and not more than $300, and each day such violation shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 4585, passed 12-3-1956)