The city's Plan Commission shall hereafter require in regard to subdivision developments the following requirements and certifications to be executed for the subdivision developer and other specified parties by state registered land surveyors or professional engineers, except that the City Engineer's certifications may be executed by the person serving as City Engineer regardless of his or her registration status; the following requirements and certifications shall be deemed complimentary and supplementary to existing regulations.
   (A)   Final construction plans for subdivision site improvements shall be certified to the Board of Public Works and Safety and/or City Engineer, as the Board shall stipulate; certified shall minimally be the degree to which designs meet city specifications and the accuracy of data and statistical information on the plans.
   (B)   After approval of the final construction plans for subdivision site improvements by the Board and/or City Engineer, one copy of approved plans shall be certified by the City Engineer to the Plan Commission; included in the certification shall minimally be the degree of acceptability of the designs and the degree to which the designs meet city specifications.
   (C)   Final construction plans for subdivision site improvements as certified by the City Engineer to the Plan Commission shall be considered part of the final (or record) plat of a subdivision, and approval of a final plat shall include said final construction plans as a stipulation of approval; the recording of the final construction plans with the County Recorder's office shall not be required.
   (D)   After approval and recording of the final plat, and after a local building permit and an improvement location permit have been issued for the construction of a dwelling in a subdivision, and after construction is complete, but prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a dwelling, the builder shall cause certification to be made to the Plan Commission; it shall minimally be certified that the construction of the dwelling and/or any site work does not deviate from the approved and certified construction plans for subdivision site improvements.
(Res. 7-77-659, passed 6-7-1977)