(A)   Any commercial establishment, industry, apartment building or institutional use may elect to have garbage removed by a private contractor; provided that:
      (1)   The private contractor shall be properly licensed to perform such service in the State of Indiana; and/or
      (2)   If such election is made, the commercial establishment, industry, apartment building or institutional use shall annually notify the Sanitation Superintendent in writing, of this election including the name, address and telephone number of the private contractor.
   (B)   When electing to have garbage removed by a private contractor, the following performance requirement shall also be met.
      (1)   Dumpsters or other containers used to contain garbage and other refuse shall not be placed on public sidewalks, streets or rights-of-way or other public property.
      (2)   Dumpsters or other containers used to contain garbage and other refuse shall be placed on private property and located, enclosed and/or screened from public view in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 156, Zoning Code.
      (3)   Garbage collection by private contractors shall be performed only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Garbage collection from a commercial establishment, industry or institutional use located beyond 300 feet of any residence, measured from the dumpster site, is exempt from this requirement.
      (4)   These performance requirements shall be met by any commercial establishment, industry, apartment building or institutional use electing to remove garbage by a private contractor within six months of the passage and publication of this section.
(Ord. G-97-213, passed 11-21-1997)