(A)   A special nonreverting operating fund for shelter rentals is hereby created and established, into which all fees derived from shelter rentals shall be deposited.
   (B)   Expenditures may be made from the fund by appropriation of the Board of Parks and Recreation in accordance with the purposes hereinafter set forth.
   (C)   The special nonreverting operating fund for shelter rentals is established, and expenditures may be made therefrom, for the following purposes: To provide for the proper management and operation of any and all picnic shelters within the Board's control, and to allow for the payment of managerial expenses, salaries, maintenance expenses, reimbursements, noncapital improvements and any and all other ordinary and necessary expenses related thereto.
   (D)   This section shall contain a $5,000 cap on operating funds deposited into this account. This fund may not be used to supplement salaries or wages of existing or future employees.
(Ord. G-91-259, passed 11-19-1990)