(A)   Rules and procedures.
      (1)   The Arbitration Board shall, acting through its Chairperson, call a hearing to be held within ten days after the date of the appointment of the Chairperson, and shall, acting through its Chairperson, give at least seven days' notice in writing to each of the other two arbitrators, the bargaining agent and the corporate authorities of the time and place of the hearing. The hearing shall be informal and the rules of evidence prevailing in judicial proceedings shall not be binding. Any and all documentary evidence and other data deemed relevant by the arbitrators may be received in evidence. The arbitrators shall have the power to administer oaths and to require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses, the production of books, records and other evidence relative or pertinent to the issues presented to them for determination.
      (2)   The hearing conducted by the arbitrators shall be concluded within 20 days of the time of commencement and, within ten days after the conclusion of the hearings, the arbitrators shall make written findings and a written opinion upon the issues presented, a copy of which shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to the bargaining agent or its attorney or other designated representative and the corporate authorities. A majority decision of the arbitrators shall be binding upon both the bargaining agent and the corporate authorities.
   (B)   Factors to be considered. The arbitrators shall conduct the hearings and render their decision upon the basis of a prompt, peaceful and just settlement of wages or hour disputes between the members of the firefighters or the members of the police officers and the city. The factors, among others, to be given weight by the arbitrators in arriving at a decision shall include:
      (1)   Comparison of wage rates or hourly conditions of employment of the Fire Department or the Police Department in question with wage rates or hourly conditions of employment in the local metropolitan operating area;
      (2)   Comparison of wages or hourly conditions of employment of the Fire Department or the Police Department in question with wage rates or hourly conditions of employment maintained for the same or similar work of employees exhibiting like or similar skills under the same or similar working conditions in the local operating area involved, or in other second class cities of comparable size in the state;
      (3)   Interest and welfare of the public; and
      (4)   Comparison of peculiarities of employment in regard to other trades or professions, specifically:
         (a)   Hazards of employment;
         (b)   Physical qualifications;
         (c)   Educational qualifications;
         (d)   Mental qualifications; and
         (e)   Job training and skills.
(Ord. A-72-473, passed 2-22-1972; Ord. G-75-579, passed 7-7-1975)