The protection of the public health, safety and welfare demands that the permanent uniformed members of the city's Fire Department and the city's Police Department in the city not be accorded the right to strike or engage in any work stoppage or slowdown. This necessary prohibition does not, however, require the denial to such municipal employees of other well recognized rights of labor, such as the right to organize, to be represented by a labor organization of their choice, and the right to bargain collectively concerning wages, rates of pay and other terms and conditions of employment. Members of the city's Fire Department and the city's Police Department may be represented by any labor organization of their choice. It is to be the public policy of the city to accord to the permanent uniformed members of the city's Fire Department and the city's Police Department in the city all of the rights of labor other than the right to strike, or engage in any work stoppage or slowdown. To provide for the exercise of these rights, a method of arbitration of disputes is therefore established.
(Ord. A-72-473, passed 2-22-1972; Ord. G-75-579, passed 7-7-1975)