(A)   The City Manager may issue a permit to solicit contributions on highways from the occupants of vehicles when all of the requirements of division (B) below have been met.
   (B)   A charitable organization may apply for and obtain a permit to solicit contributions on highways, but not on freeways, as provided in R.C. § 4511.051, as follows.
      (1)   The City Manager shall prescribe a form and receive applications for permits to solicit contributions on highways.
      (2)   Only a charitable organization that has received from the Internal Revenue Service a currently valid ruling or determination letter recognizing the tax exempt status of the organization pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code § 501(c)(3), as amended, may apply for a permit to solicit contributions on highways. A copy of the Internal Revenue Service ruling or determination letter must be attached to the application.
      (3)   The application shall specify the date and times for which the permit to solicit contributions on highways is sought. A permit to solicit contributions on highways shall not be issued for more than one day each calendar year, and the solicitation activities shall occur only from one hour after sunrise until one hour before sunset on that date.
      (4)   The application shall specify the locations for which the permit to solicit contributions on highways is sought. A permit to solicit contributions shall be at no more than two intersections.
      (5)   The application shall list the names and addresses of all agents authorized to solicit contributions on highways on behalf of the charitable organization.
      (6)   Prior to the issuance of a permit to solicit contributions on highways, the City Manager shall verify that the proposed solicitation at the locations and the date and times specified in the application does not conflict with a previously issued exhibition, parade or procession permit or scheduled public event. No more than one permit shall be issued for the use of any intersection during any calendar day, and no more than one charitable organization shall be permitted to solicit contributions on highways on the same calendar day.
      (7)   For each charitable organization issued a permit to solicit contributions on highways, the Police Chief shall be provided a copy of the charitable organization’s application; its permit; and the names of the agents authorized to solicit contributions on highways on behalf of the charitable organization.
      (8)   All agents soliciting contributions on highways on behalf of a charitable organization shall possess a copy of such permit at all times during the period of such solicitation.
      (9)   All agents soliciting contributions on highways on behalf of a charitable organization shall wear light-colored clothing and/or safety vests and shall prominently display an identification of the charitable organization.
      (10)   The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall have the authority to revoke a charitable organization’s permit to solicit contributions on highways, and the City Manager or the Police Chief, in his or her sole discretion, may order any and all of a charitable organization’s agents to cease all activity if conditions become hazardous and/or inclement or if a charitable organization’s agents fail to comply with the requirements of this section.
(Prior Code, § 11.04.10)