(A)   Applications for registration certificates shall be filed with the office of the City Manager on forms to be furnished by and available at the office of the City Manager. Each application shall contain:
      (1)   The name, address and the telephone number of the person completing the application;
      (2)   The name of an officer or official of the organization;
      (3)   The name and nature of the charitable or religious organization and the purpose to which the contributions, donations or sale proceeds will be applied; and
      (4)   Other such information as the City Manager may require.
   (B)   An organization which desires to place a number of vendors, peddlers or solicitors in the city simultaneously may make a group application to cover all of them; however, separate registration certificates shall be issued to each or, in lieu of separate registration certificates, separate information cards shall be issued to each vendor, peddler or solicitor by the organization. Such information cards shall be provided by the City Manager and include, at a minimum:
      (1)   The name of the organization;
      (2)   A description of the purpose of the vending, peddling or solicitation;
      (3)   The period for which the registration certificate was issued;
      (4)   The name of the vendor, peddler or solicitor and the organization he or she represents;
      (5)   A brief description of the vendor, peddler or solicitor, such as age, weight and height; and
      (6)   The signatures of the vendor, peddler or solicitor and an officer or official of the organization.
   (C)   A registration certificate shall be valid for a period of time approved by the City Manager. The registration certificate shall state the expiration date.
   (D)   No fee shall be required for a registration certificate.
(Prior Code, § 11.04.04)