(A)   An owner of a private parking area may create a “Private Tow-Away Zone”: only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
      (1)   The owner posts on his or her property a sign that is at least 18 inches by 24 inches in size, that is visible from all entrances to the property and that contains at least all of the following information:
         (a)   A notice that the property is a private tow-away zone and that vehicles not authorized to park on the property will be towed away;
         (b)   The telephone number of the person from whom a towed-away vehicle can be recovered, and the address of the place to which the vehicle will be taken and from which it may be recovered; and
         (c)   A statement that the vehicle may be recovered at any time during the day or night upon the submission of proof of ownership and the payment of a towing charge in an amount in accordance with R.C. § 4513.60(E).
      (2)   The place to which the towed vehicle is taken and from which it may be recovered is conveniently located, is well lighted and is on or within a reasonable distance of a regularly scheduled route of one or more modes of public transportation, if any public transportation is available in the municipal corporation or township in which the private tow-away zone is located; and
      (3)   Any other information as required or modified by R.C. § 4513.60.
   (B)   The city shall make available to any resident the above-described signs for a price equal to the city’s cost for said signs.
   (C)   By parking on a properly posted private tow-away zone without the consent of the owner of the property, the owner or operator of a vehicle shall be deemed to have consented to the removal and storage of such vehicle and the payment of the costs of removal and storage in an amount not to exceed the rates established by R.C. § 4513.60.
   (D)   If an owner or private tow-away-zone, or his, her or their agent, removes, or causes the removal of, a vehicle pursuant to this section, the owner, or agent, promptly shall notify the City Police Department of the removal; the vehicle’s license number, make, model and color; the location from which it was removed; the date and time of its removal; the telephone number of the person from whom it may be recovered; and the address of the place to which it has been taken and from which it may be recovered.
(Prior Code, § 7.05.28)