(A)   The objectives of this chapter are as follows:
      (1)   To regulate the use of public sewers, the discharge of waters and waste into public sewers and the construction of sewers and connections;
      (2)   To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the city wastewater system which will interfere with the normal operation of the system or contaminate the resulting municipal sludge;
      (3)   To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the city wastewater system which do not receive adequate treatment in the wastewater treatment plant, and which will pass through the system into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise be incompatible with the system; and
      (4)   To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludge from the system.
   (B)   This chapter provides for the regulation of discharges into the city wastewater system through the enforcement of administrative regulations. This chapter provides for the recovery of operation, maintenance or replacement costs of the treatment works and the costs associated with the construction of collection and treatment systems used by all users, in proportion to their use of the treatment works.
   (C)   Nothing in this chapter shall limit the right of the city to reject wastes, require the pretreatment of wastes, levy surcharge(s) for the treatment of wastes or to contract for a special agreement or arrangement for the treatment and disposal of wastes unless such actions are contrary to state and/or federal laws and/or regulations.
(Prior Code, § 5.04.03)